Friday, January 30, 2009

Tips and Tricks - Tissue Paper

Because of the ease and lightness of the pieces, the anon. women collection makes the perfect travel wardrobe (see the versatility of the 7 pieces below).

A small tip to help keep your clothes in their best condition when traveling is to wrap each piece in tissue paper. I fold a square of tissue paper to the size I am folding the garments and use this to fold them around – it gives a good base to make an even fold as well as providing extra pillowing and protection for your garment; then I wrap each piece in tissue paper. This will help reduce wrinkling and creasing and mean that when you get to your destination the garments will need little care except maybe to hang in the bathroom as you shower to allow the steam to drop out any minor creasing or just a light rub with the iron. The little extra effort in packing will be worth it in the long run.


Anonymous said...

Great blog! Love it.

anonwomen said...

Thank you